Breastfeeding and Breast Lumps: Causes, Types and Remedies

Breast lumps are quite common in breastfeeding mothers, but they should not be overlooked in any case. Since the breasts are engorged with milk after giving birth to a baby, they may feel hard. Some women can also feel lumps in their breasts at this time. However, these lumps are plugged milk ducts that go away with time. It is essential to see a doctor and get the lump examined if it does not go away in a week or two. Only the right diagnosis of the lump from a professional can save you from all the worry.

Is a lump normal?

As stated above, a breast lump is quite common while breastfeeding. These lumps are caused due to several reasons, and they go away with time without any treatment. However, if your lump does not pain and does not go away, it might be cancerous. Such a problem requires proper medical attention before it is too late. One can get the breast cancer treatment in Pune and reach out to the root cause of the problem and treat you in the best possible way.

Types of Lumps in the Breast

There are several types of lumps found in the breast. Some types of lumps found are as follows:

  1. Plugged Ducts: Plugged ducts are formed when the milk is blocked in a particular region of the breast. It can be caused due to incorrect feeding position or milk stasis. Wearing tight clothes or a tight bra can also be the reason for plugged ducts. 
  2. Engorged Breasts: Painful lumps are common among breastfeeding mothers. One major reason behind it is engorgement. It leads to stiff and inflamed breasts. Swollen breasts may develop lumps. The lumps go away once the milk is drained out manually or by a pump.
  3. Mastitis: A lump in the breast accompanied by redness, soreness, and pain is known as mastitis. The main reason behind mastitis is the accumulation of milk behind the milk ducts, which causes infection. Another reason behind mastitis is when you ignore a plugged duct and leave it untreated.
  4. Breast Abscess: A pus in the breast leads to a breast abscess. Pus is formed when the mastitis is left untreated. It is extremely important to remove an abscess with a needle and antibiotics otherwise, it can lead to fever and pain.
  5. Milk Cyst: Milk cysts are located near mammary glands. They are formed due to obstruction in the milk ducts and go away once the mother stops breastfeeding.
  6. Fibroadenoma: Breast tumor is very common among the women between ages 20 to 30. It is a tumor of fibrous tissues that does not go away with monthly cycles. Some lumps in the breast appear and disappear with the monthly cycle, but Fibroadenoama does not vanish. It needs immediate medical intermediation.
  7. Lipomas: These fatty lumps grow very slowly in the breasts. The round and oval-shaped lumps move easily with some pressure. They can be at more than one place in the breast. 
  8. Breast Cancer: A cancer is a hard lump in the breast with no pain. It can originate in a breast or a nipple. The upper quadrant of the breast is the main region from where cancer originates. They are malignant tumors and very painful too.

What steps to take if you find a lump in the breast while breastfeeding?

It is very important to examine the lump before it gets too late. Proper self-examination is necessary so that you can reach out to the doctor as soon as possible:

  1. If you are a breastfeeding mother, engorgement may be the cause of your lumps. You can treat it with a warm bath or just compress them with a towel dipped in warm water.
  2. After a warm bath, massage the area properly that has a lump.
  3. Breastfeed your baby regularly. This will prevent clogging of the milk in the milk ducts.
  4. If you experience pain in your lump, talk to your health care provider immediately.
  5. Since lumps give temperature, try to stay as hydrated as you can. Drink a lot of fluids like soups and juices.
  6. Avoid wearing tight bras as they also lead to the formation of lumps. Stay away from underwire bras if you are breastfeeding.
  7. If your lump does not go away in 4 to 5 days, and you see it bleeding, visit your doctor at the earliest.
  8. Get all the tests done to determine if the lump is malignant or not.
  9. A lump can be either a cyst or a tumor. Only a proper medical examination can rule it out. Cysts generally do not require much treatment, but in the case of tumors, it is vital to find out whether it is benign or malignant.

How can you prevent lumps while breastfeeding?

Here are some techniques with which you can prevent the formation of lumps in the breast if you are a nursing mother:

  1. Breastfeed your baby at regular intervals.
  2. Keep your nipples clean. Wash them with cotton immersed in warm water.
  3. Massage your breasts to prevent the accumulation of the milk in one area.

There can be several reasons behind the formation of the lumps in the breast. It is necessary to know the cause behind the lump. There is nothing to freak about. Reach out to the best breast cancer specialist in Pune to get the finest guidance on breast lumps, treatment, and prevention.

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